martes, 4 de octubre de 2016


-          It has its origins in 40’s

o   Foreign language teaching is a process of mechanical habit formation, especially for those one who were in the army.
o   It came from Ferdinard de Saussure.
o   Listening and reading after the teacher. “repeat after me”. (as little children do when they say for the very first time “daddy”)
o   Use of drills: Mechanical oral exercises.
o   Teacher-centered.
o   Grouping of students: group, pairs.
o   Thanks to the WW2 advances in technology, new devices appeared, and it supposed an evolve in education (recorder)
o   Language laboratory: New technology caught publishers and text-book writers unprepared.
o   Prevent errors as they can remember.  (if communication is not affect, don’t correct  the children). 


-          Learning by heart.
-          Written exercises.
-          Probably students don’t know what they are writing about and why.

Mechanical exercise
-          Use of memory.
-          Should be dealt with first orally.

Usually, the mechanical exercise that are done in class are based on the use of memory, so the only way possible it’s learn by hard.

We’ve seen a video exposing how this method works, where the teacher has started with a presentation of the lesson (how it’s going to be developed). The second stage is the input, which the students are given the time to understand the role play. Then they must repeat after the teacher. As the sentences are very long, they are divided in parts.

Our pupils must see how we articulate our mouth; this will help them to learn the language. 

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