miércoles, 14 de diciembre de 2016

Listening, speaking, reading and wrtiting (II)


Reading is one of the four basic skills needed to gain competence in mastering a language. It is a written receptive skill. To achieve full comprehension, it is necessary interaction between  the information given and the reader's expectations. 

1. Reasons for reading and text selection

The ability to read effectively is fundamental for survival in our western society. Whenever we read, we have a specific purpose in mind. Sometimes, we read simply to get the gist of th text or to locate a concrete piece of information.

Reasons for reading
Text selection

·         To get information or search for information

·         Travel brochures
·         Train timetable
·         Bus schedule
·         Public signs
·         Weather forecast
·         Menus
·         Internet: web sites.

·         To satisfy to curiosity about a topic

·         Magazine articles
·         Newspaper editorials
·         Advertisements
·         Internet

·         To follow instructions

·         To know how to use a game
·         Recipes
·         Maps

·         To keep in touch

·         Postcards
·         Letters
·         Notes
·         Messages
·         Invitations
·         Emails
·         To find out when and where
·         Announcements
·         Programmes
Text shoul be adapted to the learner's cognitive development. Texts should cover a wide variety of topic in order to reflect the diversity of interests present in the classroom. Text should enhance motivation and promote self-esteem. They should reflect situations where the learner can activate his/her schemata and enrich the interpretation and should introduce some of the most important cultural references of the target language. The selecte text should be the result of a needs analysis.

Types of knowledge
Text selection

Sytantic knowledge
-          Position or articles
-          Position of auxiliary verbs
-          Position of adjectives and adverbs.
Morphological knowledge
-          Word formation (affixation compounding)
-          Cohesive devices
General knowledge
-          Background knowledge
Sociocultural knowledge
-          Cultural references
Topic knowledge
-          Previous ideas related to the content
Genre knowledge
-          Science fantasy novel
-          Tale
-          Poems.

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